Whatever you do, do NOT ask whether Alberto Mielgo rotoscopes his animation work. Because he doesn't.
Born in Madrid, Spain, in 1979, little Mr. Mieglo studied his ass off learning the fundamental of things and at the age of 17 he began interning at various animation studios in Madrid. He moved to jolly ol' London were now he lives and works as a freelance painter, art director, designer and animator for a bunch of companies we'll hear about because of non-disclosure agreements.
If I could describe his work, I'd say it is... pure eye candy. I get a rush just looking at them sometimes.
According to an interview entitled "Modern Rebel: Alberto Mielgo & Pinkman.tv" at the Motionographer, he is almost completely self taught. So for all you art academy students, listen up... don't do what he did unless you are dedicated and supremely talented!!

He's created some pretty interesting shorts, including “Pill, Kill Your Stress, 女孩陰毛, and PINKMAN” under the banner of "Pinkman.tv" and the thinking behind that is that he feels 2D has pretty much gotten the short end of the stick in recent decades.
Like most of the people working in the 2D animation field, he feels that the cold, calculated world of 3D has collapsed the 2D animation market in such a big way that people view it as an antiquated medium. Unfortunately, with the success of a number of 3D-only animated and live action projects means this trend will only get worse, and 2D work will be relegated to the a very niche crowd... Damn!
But like any fine connoisseur, he believes that the world of 2D can be graphic, and holds no boundaries to the imagination. In fact, he has become somewhat of a spokesperson for the medium, constantly pushing studios to use it more. This has resulted in one of his pride and joys, the Beatles: Rockband intro, which he did color keys and backgrounds for the first half:
Every piece is traditionally animated, frame by frame. The process is simple: scan, pencil, animation. He describes the fairly painstaking process in his own words: "... Once the animation is right, I do a very basic color action. For example, pink for body and dark pink for shadows. Then, I paint on top of each drawing. As the shadow layer has also been animated, I don’t loose shapes. As each frame is hand painted, the skin has that moving feeling, something that here, I was looking to see in the animation. So, every frame is a painting."
Alberto Mieglo's PILL on Vimeo.
His tools are the usual Adobe Photoshop and After FX. In the end, he has no interest to enter 3D, and I really can't argue with his current output!

One more thing about this amazing artist...
Yeah, apparently he did some comic work for Image Publishing's Popgun anthology. If you're into that sort of greatness, then order one!
Have a nice day!
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