Not much to say about good ol' Vasili Zorin. I'll have to wait for a more enterprising blogger or art publication to conduct a proper interview, and then maybe I'll rip off the stuff from there and post it here. So anyways, Mr. Vasili is 23 years old (wow!), and is currently living and studying in St. Petersburg.
I gotta write something, lest this blog turn out to be a glorified art tumblr page. From what little I could gather (since I can't read Russian), Mr. Vasili likes art, and loves to paint and... draw. What a revelation!
He hopes to get some of his original work published after he graduates. For now, you'll have to settle to Image's Popgun art anthology.
His current series is entitled "Kink Radio", and can be found here. This lovely lil' strip is set in "Lime City, the only town in the US with overall Lime consumption so high that its residents never smile". Yeah!
You can see a lot more of Mr. Vasili's wonderful work at HonkFu! Just no hotlinking, please.
I first heard about good ol' Mr. Gary Tonge's work on an issue of ImagineFX magazine. I then bought Mr. Tonge's book, Bold Vision. It's nice. Too bad I only found out about his showreel today. Beautiful stuff.
I'm lazy.
See more of Gary's work at or you can get other updates on his deviantART profile.
So far I've had regular blog staples like "Featured Portfolio" and "Artist Profile" where I showcase a sampling of some of my favorite visual artists' works. I have poor memory, is all. And since most of my content is "borrowed" from places like, I decided to feature another thing from that place. Sketchbooks!
I love ConceptArt's artist's sketchbooks. This is where you get to see your favorite artists early works, work-in-progress (be it sketches or paintings). The evolution of an artist is absolutely fascinating. But enough of my babbling.
She was born July 30, 1987... and what amazing figure studies! Amazing considering these are some of her earlier works of 2009.
Yes, I will be gushing about her work for this entire post, but it's not like people aren't doing on the boards. See those amazing gesture lines!
She offers a peek into her workflow as well. Her attention to detail and composition is spot-on. Of course, if you have something else to say about that, say something.
She draws women all elegant like. Kinda reminds me of Alphonse Mucha for some reason. Maybe it's because I know so few artists.
Here's a cute little piece she did towards the end of 2009. Slick.
Go on. Catch up on all her latest works at her DeviantART account. Or if you want to see more of her amazing process and sketches, then head on to her sketchbook. Groarr!!