"Dan LuVisi is a digital concept artist working in the film, video game and comic book industry."
That's all you need to know about him really. The guy's resume is all over the net anyway, and I'm sure they've done waaaay better writeups than I ever would. I just... had to feature him here, that's all.

Okay just so I have something to say for this post, according to Mr. Dan "Adonihs" LuVisi's' lil' deviantART FAQ, he first started out real terrible-like. He said he could draw, sure, but the moment the pen touched the tablet...it was just one of the most irritating processes ever. "I felt like giving up, I found myself not know how to choose colors or do anything." As you can see, he eventually got the hang of it.

Nowadays, he usually works on a canvas roughly around 4500 x 6500 pixels (300 DPI = poster size) with tons of layers. It takes... three to four days to complete a piece.

Most of his skill was derived from the great tutorials at www.thegnomonworkshop.com. He did NOT attend art school. But I think you knew that.

He loves all the classic sci-fi movies including the original Star Wars trilogy, Blade Runner, Alien and Aliens, and so and and so forth.

To Mr. LuVisi, art is important in his life because people can remember him for that. You can follow him at his twitter account, or simply check out his extremely popular deviantART account from time to time.


Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda FazaniInstalled by CahayaBiru.com


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