So why do YOU draw? Oh right... You don't respond. But the people in ConceptArt sure do! They're a nice bunch. G A I A originally posted the question because she didn't know drawing was simply a habit or some kind of a addiction that doesn't seem as fun as she would like to believe. I have days like that.
Sebastard said:
"In the words of the immortal Nietzsche, conflict and strife (including inner conflict and personal strife) will shape a man into something better then he once was... Why do i draw and write? To eventually become one of the greatest fantasy/fiction artists/authors this world has ever seen - that simple
No, nothing is really "just" a hobby to me.
Blackspot said:
It's an itch and I need to scratch it. It gets worse if you ignore it.
Crass said:
Because I want to make my inner worlds come alive, for me and whoever else that wants to see.
Maybe he needs to draw...
The Original [E] said:
Other then because if I don't draw and get my ideas out then my mind will overload me with ideas and I won't be able to focus on much until I get them out.
The other more important reason is, to me art and my creativity is like a muscle, you have to keep working it out and constantly give it stimulation or it will atrophy and die. Thats why I draw and paint every day for hours on hours. Have you ever known a person who used to draw and stopped because of one reason or another?
FranciscoShreds then said:
I guess it's because I have the exact opposite mentality as you. I always want to draw, everything I see in life makes me want to draw, makes me want to reproduce what I see or expand upon it. Only times I feel like shit is when I don't draw and I could have. If I slept in, if I forgot my moleskine or sketchbook and I see something very interesting.
My thoughts:
Wow! Yeah! Cool! I wholeheartedly agree! Saying anything would be redundant. Maybe making a list would suffice. Okay, so it seems artists draw because:
1.) It's fun and addictive.
2.) We're all gonna die sooner or later.
3.) It's a form of escape.
4.) To capture / realize imagination. (Hmm...)
5.) Money (Eh?)
6.) Self-Improvement / Therapy.
7.) I heard this from Artgerm in Singapore - "I just want to draw something beautiful"
And as a very odd aside, I decided to embed several videos of artists and their "moleskins". (Some dating back to 2006)
This one's kinda funny.
Here's a nifty one from a real fine artist.
Buy your moleskin today and feed your art addiction!! (That's a plug right there...)
I think what Blackspot said is just the basic of why everyone draws - it starts with an itch that needs to be scratched, an idea that needs to materialize in some way or another; that basic itch just develops later into something more - say, an ambition (ex to be the best), a career, a hobby and so on and forth.
I, for one, draw stuff that I love because of the 'itch' and stuff that I love less but need to practice to get better at materializing that 'itch'.
Do I make any sense?
I also like drawing stuff for people - I love being able to give a gift so simple that makes them so happy.
Also, awesome Moleskines.
I long for one too, but any regular quality paper sketchbook is pretty expensive here, let alone a Moleskine D:
Seriously, I could buy myself lunch at school 6 days in a row for that money.
I can only hope my allowance of this month will permit me to buy one instead of spending it on more urgent needs.
The artistic itch is something that can be lost, but it can also be found. If you ever need a hand in developing it, I recommend reading Julian Cameron's "The Artist's Way". That book helped me get back on my feet.
Moleskins are a product of excellent marketing, but you could start with cheaper alternatives. I realize starting a sketchbook like that isn't essential, but the journey to finish one from cover to cover is really something to behold.